Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • bond65
    07-27 01:35 PM
    My lawyer selected option "a" in section 2 of I-485 for I-140/I-485 filed concurrently. Some members are saying that their lawyer selected option "h". Can some one tell me what must be the correct option for concurrent filing? If option h is correct, Is it possible to amend the existing petition?


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  • Macaca
    07-22 05:49 PM
    Senate Comity Slips Away ( By Emily Pierce and Erin P. Billings, ROLL CALL STAFF, July 19, 2007

    Though tensions between Democrats and Republicans have been festering since the beginning of the 110th Congress, this week�s Senate debate on the Iraq War has pushed the chamber to a new level of partisan acrimony, where even the most seasoned and collegial of Senate elders have abandoned traditional acts of decorum.

    �The Senate is spiraling into the ground to a degree that I have never seen before, and I�ve been here a long time,� Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said. �All modicum of courtesy has gone out the window.�

    That statement came after a highly charged, all-night debate on a Democratic amendment to refocus the U.S. mission in Iraq and complete a troop drawdown by April 30, 2008. The amendment failed, 52-47, to get the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) cited the Republicans� �obstructionist� tactics in his decision to scrap the entire debate on the Defense Department authorization bill.

    Reid�s insistence not only on having repeated votes this year on pulling out of Iraq but also on having the overnight session contributed to the explosion of partisan tensions, some Senators said.

    �I do think 36 hours with no sleep and the orchestration of a repeat debate of what we just got through two months ago weighed heavily on everybody,� Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) said. �It was what it was, but there�s a lot of frustration. It�s a good time for a four-week break.�

    Senate Republicans said the clearest evidence that the chamber�s traditional comity has evaporated is in Reid�s repeated decisions to prohibit GOP Senators from giving short speeches when they object to his unanimous consent requests. Reid first began using the tactic against a handful of GOP conservatives during last month�s bitterly fought immigration reform debate.

    Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the most recent victim of that tactic, gave an indignant speech on the floor Wednesday to protest what he said was Reid�s lack of respect for fellow Senators.

    Though Specter acknowledged that Senate rules do not afford lawmakers the right to give speeches following unanimous consent requests, the veteran Pennsylvania moderate said, �It has been common practice in this body to allow a Senator who reserves the right to object to make a statement as to why the objection is being lodged.�

    Specter went on to ominously state that Reid�s insistence on the rules could come back to haunt him.

    �Those practices I think are not only rude, but dictatorial,� he said. �And if those technical rules are applied � and any one of us can do it � this body will cease to function.�

    Republican sources said that beyond Specter, both Lott and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) were taken aback this week when they were denied recognition typically afforded the minority. Lott and Specter � Senators who often work with Reid and Democrats on the floor and on legislation � were particularly incensed with what they viewed as Reid�s disregard of Senate decorum and protocol.

    Specter said that Lott declined Reid�s offer to publicly apologize.

    One senior Republican aide said Reid � by refusing to allow GOP Senators the opportunity to answer him when addressed � sent a clear signal to the minority of, �To heck with you, your views don�t matter.�

    �Not only is violating common courtesy unlike him, it�s not conducive to running the Senate in an effective manner,� the aide said of Reid.

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who led the GOP debate on the Defense measure, said what occurred over the course of the past two days � and the past two weeks � demonstrated that the �climate here is very bad� and is �part of the whole environment� of the Senate these days. The Iraq War is just one factor contributing to the heightened partisanship in the chamber, McCain added.

    But it isn�t just Republicans who are complaining about the breakdown of the chamber�s otherwise civil atmosphere. Senate Democrats countered that they also have been on the receiving end of what they consider ungracious behavior by their GOP colleagues.

    In what appeared to be a slap at Democrats on Wednesday, McConnell turned his back on Reid and the Democratic side of the chamber while speaking about the Democratic amendment to refocus the U.S. mission in Iraq.

    McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said the Minority Leader was simply addressing his fellow Republicans as he often does when many are gathered in the chamber. More than 70 Senators � roughly half Republicans, half Democrats � were present for the post-vote debate.

    But Senate Democrats have said repeatedly that they are being forced to use heavy-handed tactics because the minority refuses to adhere to the traditional courtesy of allowing the Majority Leader to conduct the bulk of the Senate�s business without first having to file procedural motions to limit debate. Republicans have objected to a little more than half of Reid�s requests to begin debate on both controversial and bipartisan bills, resulting in Reid having to file time-consuming cloture motions to cut off prospective filibusters.

    �Who�s been asking for these cloture votes?� asked an exasperated Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). �Republicans.�

    McConnell has �lost control of his caucus on this matter,� Durbin said of what he believes is McConnell�s inability to convince conservatives in the Republican Conference to pick their battles.

    Reid spokesman Jim Manley declined to comment specifically on why Reid has been prohibiting GOP Senators from making short objection speeches, but he indicated that Democrats need to fight back against the GOP�s blocking strategy.

    �It�s become pretty evident in recent weeks that there�s been a decision by the Republican leadership to block the Senate from doing all but the most routine and noncontroversial legislation,� Manley said.

    Meanwhile, debate on the Defense bill has stopped for the time being, with Reid saying he would bring it back up once it is possible to �pass a Defense authorization bill, but with a deadline dealing with Iraq.�

    For the moment, Democrats have been able to put a lock on the Republicans� procedural objections by bringing up a higher education reconciliation bill that is privileged under the rules and cannot be filibustered. But that measure was taken up only after Republicans blocked Reid from quickly beginning debate on a Homeland Security spending bill.

    Reid has tasked Durbin with negotiating a deal with Lott, McCain and Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) on how to resume consideration of the Defense measure.

    However, McCain questioned whether the DOD bill would rear its head again in the next two weeks: �Without a certain level of cooperation it�s almost impossible. It will be difficult to make it out in time, make it out by August. And the fiscal year ends the first of October.�

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-12 02:50 PM
    Popular Science recently ran its 8th Annual Brilliant 10 list of the nation's most promising young scientists. And once again, several of them are immigrants helping to keep America in the forefront of innovation. Once is Ting Xu, a China native, who is transforming molecules into mini hard drives with massive storage capacity. Here's how Pop Sci describes her work: Earlier this year she co-authored a paper describing a new technique for coaxing tiny polymer strands to self-assemble into 10 trillion cylinders with precise patterns. The method could lead to discs the size of a quarter that store 175 DVDs��7...

    More... (

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  • Robert Kumar
    01-27 12:54 PM

    Thank you very much for free service.
    My brother is working for company X.
    They have recently got one labor cert approval. The ads are 3 months old which they used for one employee who is working in exactly his skillset and responsibility.
    He is planning to ask the company to do one GC for him in same category.

    1. Can they use the same ads for him also.
    2. If they can use, then what amount of time will it save for him.
    3. What are the different things one has to do, before filing labor like wage determination, with specific employee, and how much time each thing take. Are these tied to any specific employee, or can they be used for others also.
    4. Somebody told me if valid ads are there, then it can save him 2-3 months, is it true.

    Thank You,


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  • ras
    04-08 12:14 AM
    Does any one have recommendations for a good immigration attorney in San Diego?

    I want to start long time relationship for immigration issues as well as for my future company filings and issues. Please send me private messages as well.

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  • mannishk
    09-28 10:08 PM
    Hello Attorney`s

    I am in a weird situation here, I was Laid off on July 21st with pay in lieu until 4th August. I had applied for Change of Status to F2 (my wife is on F1) on 17th August. On 31st August I got a job offer and applied for H1B transfer to USCIS on 8th September (using 15th august paystub as the latest).

    At the same time i filed to USCIS to revoke my F2 application.

    Today I got a notice from USCIS that my application for change of status to F2 is approved as of 09/21/2009.

    Now, I dont know what to do, does it mean I am now on F2? Is my H1B transfer application still valid or I need to apply again this time on premium processing.

    What should be my next course of action. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks so much..!!

    Have a great day..!


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  • ralicag
    03-26 02:56 PM
    i like your style :) Good job with the colors

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  • cvt123
    06-28 08:22 PM
    My manager got an email from USCIS saying my I140 is approved and they will mail the approval notice. Online case status show that approval notice emailed. But we haven't received any emails about the approval notice. Do USCIS sent paper approval notices??

    pl. reply.



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  • keepwalking
    06-02 06:19 PM
    I have added my wife to green card application. Can you please let me know when she can expect receipt notice and Fingerprint Notice and when she can expect her GC. TSC is processing my/her application. My Priority Date is in Aug 1st 2006.

    I am one of the ones who had missed the July 07 boat. My PD is finally current.
    My attorney is getting ready to file all the items (485, EAD, AP etc) tomorrow.

    How soon can I expect the FP Notice?
    Also, since I am applying only now, how long before I can hope to see Green?

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  • Macaca
    09-06 05:30 PM
    Congress Deserves Better Ratings, But Not by Much ( By Morton M. Kondracke | Roll Call, September 6, 2007

    Congress returned to town this week with its poll ratings even lower than President Bush's. That's because nearly all the public ever sees is Members fighting and accomplishing nothing.

    But it's not a completely accurate picture. By the time Congress adjourned for the August recess, it actually had racked up some legislative accomplishments that voters didn't appreciate.

    So perhaps a fair grade for the 110th Congress so far would be an F for style, a C-plus for effort and an Incomplete for quality of achievement. There is plenty of room for checking the box "shows improvement."

    What Congress has accomplished this year came in two bursts - the first "100 hours," when the House pushed through much of its promised "Six in '06" agenda, and the final 100 hours or so last month, when both the House and Senate processed a bevy of legislation.

    In between, what occurred was five months of nearly nonstop ugliness - failed Democratic efforts to stop the Iraq War, a fractious and futile fight over immigration reform, vengeful exercises of legislative oversight designed to discredit the Bush administration, and shouting matches between majority Democrats and minority Republicans.

    Even the pre-adjournment legislative push was clouded over by a raucous, late-night dust-up over a thwarted House GOP move to deny benefits to illegal immigrants that made for great television, doubtless reinforcing the public's impression of a Congress in total disarray.

    It's not a complete misimpression. Partisan wrangling is the dominant activity of this Congress. It makes a mockery of the fervent proclamations by leaders of both parties in January that they understood voters' dismay with endless, pointless point-scoring and the desire that Congress solve their urgent problems.

    Congress' failure to make problem-solving its dominant activity accounts for its low public esteem. Polls on public approval of Congress average 22 percent, compared with 33 percent for Bush. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed that only 14 percent have confidence that Congress will do the right thing.

    But Congress has done some things right this year and notice should be taken of them.

    A statistical rundown by Brookings Institution scholars published in The New York Times on Aug. 26 showed that the current House is running well ahead of recent Congresses in terms of days in session, bills passed and hearings held. The Senate has a mixed record.

    One signal, unappreciated accomplishment was overwhelming passage of a $43 billion program designed to bolster America's competitiveness by doubling its scientific research budget and training more scientists and linguists.

    Sponsored by Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and Reps. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.) and Vernon Ehlers (R-Mich.), the final bill passed the House 367-57 and by voice vote without dissent in the Senate.

    Other bills passed and sent to the president this year include an increase in the minimum wage, lobbying and ethics reform and homeland security enhancements fulfilling the recommendations of the presidential 9/11 commission.

    Also on the list, but the subject of ongoing partisan division, was last-minute legislation authorizing the government to conduct no-warrant intercepts of electronic communication between two overseas parties when the messages pass through a server in the United States.

    Civil liberties groups, many Democrats and some editorial writers contend that the measure authorized "domestic spying on U.S. citizens," but the objections seem to reflect distrust of the Bush administration more than any leeway in the law to tap persons in the United States.

    Congress will revisit the issue and to the extent that controversy continues, it will reinforce public dismay that its leaders would rather fight than protect them from terrorism.

    Meanwhile, some of the claimed accomplishments of the Democratic Congress are less than stellar. Energy bills passed by both chambers fall far short of setting the nation on a path to independence. Neither contains a gasoline tax, encouragement for nuclear power or provisions to expand America's electricity grid.

    Farm legislation that passed the House limits subsidies to the richest American farmers but basically leaves intact a subsidy system for corporate farmers that artificially inflates land values, inhibits rural development, hurts farmers in poor countries and puts the U.S. in danger of world trade sanctions.

    Bush has signaled his intention to veto both the House farm bill and the Senate energy bill - and also both the House and Senate measures expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The Senate SCHIP bill has funding flaws but basically is a responsible, bipartisan bill that deserves to survive a veto.

    With Congress back, the prospect is for more combat with Bush, largely over spending and Iraq. The country will be lucky to avoid government shutdowns as the two sides trade charges that the other is fiscally irresponsible.

    And a flurry of progress reports on Iraq is only stimulating new rancor, despite widespread underlying agreement that troop withdrawals need to be gradual and responsible.

    Congress and the Bush administration ought to resolve to improve their public esteem not at each other's expense, but by seeking agreement in the public interest. Admittedly, the chances are slim.


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  • gc_kaavaali
    01-04 03:16 PM
    You should be able to work use EAD...your husband can still work on H1. First u need to apply for SSN to work.

    Hi !
    My husband is on H1 and i am on H4. We recently got our EADs. What I want to know is, can i start working right away with my EAD while my husband works on H1 or are there any rules like my husband also needs should change his status from H1 to EAD so that I may use my EAD card?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • dcrtrv27
    08-21 01:17 PM
    Oh yes there are many like you check this thread.
    Good Luck


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  • Redeye
    01-15 11:54 AM
    I have one white I 94 which you get at the port of last entry and three H1 I 94 (one original H1 I 94, two extention I 94s). The latest I 94 goes till 2010. Should I surrender all four I 94s or just the expired ones or just the white one.

    Please suggest.

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  • roseball
    09-26 12:17 PM
    We filed a H4 to H1 Change of Status petition for my wife. The file was opened and processed by USCIS and a RFE was issued. Due to some family situation, we had to withdraw the H1 petition instead of replying to the RFE.

    My question is: Is the security/anti-fraud fee ($1500) returned by USCIS in such cases. We applied through a big consulting company.



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  • vik123
    02-14 03:16 PM
    Read the House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr statement

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  • rajenk
    12-31 02:28 PM
    Hi Unitednations,

    Good to see you in Immigration voice. I use to follow your posts when you were back in ImmigrationPortal. I have a request for you here.

    Please provide a ready reckoner on AC21. Like the basics. This would help lot of people trying to switch employers including me. I know there were memos written by Yates and other lawyers. Your real experience on this matter always counts and helps people.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thanks & Regards


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  • Ramba
    02-27 04:45 PM
    Here is the testimony of DHS and commerce secratry before the Judiciary committee on 02/28/07. Not much talk by DHS secretry regarding high skilled immigration. They maily talk about border reinforcement and illegal aliens.

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  • anujdhamija
    10-24 09:09 PM
    I currently hold H4 visa. I got H1 approval (consular) this year. Now instead of applying by consular process (in London), I want to join my spouse on H4 and then apply for COS from within USA.

    1. Can I do this?

    2. If Yes, how? Which form do I have to fill ? Kindly detail the procedure with applicable costs.

    3. When I later, travel outside US, do I then have to have H1 visa stamped in my passport?

    4. If Yes, does this 1st visa have to be from home country or could be from Canada etc.?

    P.S. I do not have any educational or work background in USA.

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  • leoindiano
    11-02 04:58 PM
    I worked with Romy Kapoor and Ashish Sharma, both are good.

    Romy's firm now merged with some international law firm called Adorno.
    Kapoor & Associates: Atlanta Immigration Attorney and Orlando Immigration Attorney (

    google for sharmas firm.

    12-28 03:53 PM
    If Co. B files PERM for you before the end of your 5th year, any employer can file a 7th year extension for you. You do not have to be working for the same employer that filed the PERM. Nor does the PERM have to be approved, it just has to be filed one year before the extension start date.

    06-24 10:01 AM
    Many lawyers have asked for color copies. Some have just asked for the visa/picture pages to be in color and enlarged.

    If possible, just submit color copies.

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